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Coworker for a Day


Have you ever wanted a coworker that you could work with - and then fire??

Do you miss have the accountability of another person, but don't want to spend all day everyday with them??

Join Coworker for a Day starting Tuesday April 5!

The thing where we get together, get work done, and then leave each other alone. 

Weekly sessions - Tuesdays at 11am CST

​$34 per month on a month-to-month basis, unjoin the fun whenever

10 minutes for that useless small talk & arrival
45 minutes focused work
5 minutes affirmation and see ya

That time I asked what body doubling was
- with zero context given

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What habit could you focus on in
dedicated time each week?

  • Journaling

  • Content writing

  • Social media posts

  • Newsletter

  • Cleaning up your inbox

  • Receipts & bills (ew)

  • Working on your book

  • Scheduling podcast guests

  • Responding to DMs

  • Side hustle

  • Relationship building

  • Mind-mapping that new idea

What  will  you  accomplish?


Hi, I'm

I believe building & sustaining habits

should feel AWESOME not overwhelming.

Ready for some relief?

Get started with the

4 Questions for Building Shame-Proof Habits


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